The Board of Trustees of Medina County Farm Bureau is pleased to announce the winners of the 2016 scholarships annually provided by the Farm Bureau members. Deserving students who are either high school seniors preparing to pursue either college or technical education or students currently pursuing post high school studies are recommended by a committee of community leaders and then approved by the trustees. Recipients must be members of Medina County Farm Bureau and are chosen on qualities of academic performance and community involvement. Preference is given to students pursuing studies leading to a career in an agricultural field. The recipients of the 2016 scholarships are:

Tate Arters
Tate Arters, son of Steve and Susan Arters of Spencer. Tate is pursuing a degree in Animal Science at Black Hawk College in Illinois and is transferring to The Ohio State University in the fall. Eventually he hopes to enter the College of Veterinary Medicine. Prior to college Tate was involved in 4-H for thirteen years and held numerous offices. He is on the livestock judging team and has volunteered through the VFW and the local cancer society.

Rachel Berry
Rachel Berry, daughter of Marty and Teresa Berry of Wadsworth. Rachel is currently pursuing courses in agricultural engineering at Iowa State University and is on the dean’s list there. She is involved in collegiate 4-H, Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Learning Community, and the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. Prior to entrance at Iowa State, Rachel was involved in local 4-H for ten years – holding numerous officer positions and has worked at a local farm and greenhouse operation.

Anna Boyert
Anna Boyert, daughter of Mike and Patti Boyert of Seville. Anna is currently enrolled at Oklahoma State University majoring in Business – Marketing and Management. At Oklahoma State Anna is on the dean’s list and is an Academic All-American. In addition to her academic and athletic pursuits, Anna has volunteered through “Orange and Black Gives Back” and has also worked part-time as a sales intern helping to rent and sell large equipment utilized in agriculture and other fields.

Clayton Boyert
Clayton Boyert, son of Mike and Patti Boyert of Seville. Clayton is currently pursuing an Agricultural Business degree at Western Illinois University where he is on the Merit Roll, in the Honors Club, and special distinction for the Honors English Society. Clayton has shown beef cattle in national competitions, winning numerous awards. Through his youth, he was involved in 4-H for thirteen years holding numerous offices. He plans to use his business skills in the greenhouse industry while still pursuing involvement in the beef industry as well.

Emily Klotzsche
Emily Klotzsche, daughter of Ben and Celeste Klotzsche of Lodi. Emily is pursuing nursing studies at the University of Akron where she is on the president’s list academically and hoping to specialize in pediatric hematology/oncology. Prior to college, Emily was involved in 4-H for ten years and held several officer positions. She has volunteered in numerous community activities and continues to volunteer in Farm Bureau and other organizations.

Rachael Shaw
Rachael Shaw, daughter of Charles and Carolyn Shaw of Litchfield. Rachael will graduate this year from Buckeye High School and then begin studies at The Ohio State University where she plans to major in agricultural engineering. At Buckeye Rachael has been involved in more activities then space permits listing. She has made honor roll all for years and, while still a high school student, took advance placement college coursework through the University of Akron where she made the dean’s list. In addition to her many activities, Rachael has always worked on the family farm and part-time at local businesses.

Anna Wolff
Anna Wolff, daughter of Lowell Wolff and Christine Barnes of Medina. Anna is currently pursuing an Associate Degree in Accounting at Cuyahoga Community College and will be transferring to the University of Akron to complete her Baccalaureate requirements and obtain CPA designation. Prior to college, Anna was involved in 4-H for 14 years and FFA where she was chosen to attend national conventions and livestock judging teams. She continues to show dairy cattle in the open division. She continues to volunteer her time through the local dairy committee assisting youth in 4-H and FFA.