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We invite all members and prospective members to join us for our annual Saturday breakfast! This year’s menu, once again, features the popular, made-to-order omelets prepared by the Career Center’s culinary arts students.

In addition to breakfast, our event will offer a presentation at 9 AM featuring the “Who’s Who” of agricultural-related agencies in Medina County. Each agency will have the opportunity to share briefly about the basics of the services that they provide to farmers and landowners and we will end with Q&A. Our hope is that this will help our members put a face to a name and provide a “refresh” as to the services that each organization provides.

This event is free to members and their dependents. Non-members can attend at $20 per person. Become a member of the Medina County Farm Bureau at the breakfast and there is no charge! Bring a new member, join as a new member or renew at the breakfast and receive $5 in cash back. Please register at https://tinyurl.com/mr4fbrk7 or give us a call by Feb 23.