Season’s Harvest
Medina County Farm Bureau is pleased to announce that $29,123 in donations were raised at their 14 th annual Season’s Harvest dinner. This year’s recipient was
Farming with Friends – a newly created nonprofit located in Hinckley with a mission to restore God’s creation through regenerative farming, employment of
people with disabilities, and community engagement. Thanks to the generosity and partnership with Chef John Kolar of Thyme2 Restaurant for many years and, most
recently, Chef Anthony Scolaro of 111 Bistro plus support from other loyal donors, this longstanding farm-to-table dinner has raised over $300,000 for agriculture-
related charities in Medina County since it’s inception. This event is organized and executed by Medina County Farm Bureau in an effort to feature locally raised meat and produce as well as support agricultural nonprofits in the Medina County community.
Stay tuned for 2025 event information.
This event is a local dinner, connecting local residents to local cuisine, prepared by local Chef, Anthony Scolaro, for a good cause! All proceeds from this multi-course dinner, hosted on a local farm, go to Farming with Friends. It is a lovely evening, filled with delicious wine and food, and packed with fun!
Located in Hinckley, Ohio, Farming with Friends’ vision is “to create a place so dripping with the love of God that people cannot help but encounter Him while there.” This 87-acre farm has an orchard with apple, pear, plum, apricot and cherry trees, a wildflower field, and a pumpkin patch. They raise horses, chickens, turkeys, and cattle. Plans to add a produce garden and berry patch as well as a storefront to sell eggs, meat, produce, flowers and more are in the works. Farming with Friends intends to provide employment for people with disabilities. Employees have the opportunity to train and learn in four different areas; livestock management, garden and orchard management, equipment and facilities maintenance, and running the storefront. It’s the mission of Farming with Friends “to restore God’s creation through regenerative farming, employment of people with disabilities, and community engagement.”
Chef Anthony Scolaro is the owner and operator of One Eleven Bistro in Medina. His purpose is to create and offer a quality dining experience with innovative, sophisticated and valuable menu choices; in a comfortable and inviting atmosphere by a knowledgeable, accommodating staff. One Eleven Bistro is a local, current and inviting restaurant that expands our customers palates and provides memorable dining experiences by serving creative, quality products with excellent, friendly service. Read more about One Eleven Bistro here.
2022 Season’s Harvest
2020 Season’s Harvest
2020 Host: Richman Farms