
July 2016

Medina Young Farmers Help Restore Fair Milk Shake Barn

Medina County Farm Bureau received the old 4-H milk shake booth from the Medina County Fair. Over the weekend, the Medina County Young Farmers group met together at the fair to scrape and paint the barn to restore it for use. The Medina County Farm Bureau plans to use the barn in their exhibit area

April 2016

2016 Policy Development Meeting

On April 15, 2016, the Medina County Farm Bureau hosted it's annual Policy Development Meeting with local officials and professionals at the Medina County Administration Building. Thank you to local officials and professionals who attended: Judge Chris Collier Kimberly Corrigan, Leadership Medina County Jim Dieter, Department of Soil & Water Morgan Domokos, OSU Extension John Gladden, Medina

Medina County Farm Bureau Donates Grain Bin Rescue Tubes

Article posted on Medina County Gazette, by Elizabeth Dobbins. "The Medina County Farm Bureau donated two grain bin rescue tubes to local emergency response agencies Friday. The large metal tubes can be placed around a person stuck in the grain. The tube forms a dam to prevent grain from sifting against the person and an