
10 10, 2016

Harvest Season Is Here!

The Medina County Farm Bureau wants to remind everyone that harvest time is upon us. This means that farmers will be out working long hours to bring their harvest in before the winter weather comes. This also means that there will be an increase in farm equipment out on the roads. Please remember to drive

16 09, 2016

2016 Medina County Annual Meeting

The Medina County Annual Meeting was on Sept. 8th at the University of Akron, Medina Campus. The evening included a variety of topics that can be seen below. Roger Baker, state trustee, reports to local farm bureau members at their annual meeting. In celebration of the 80th anniversary of councils in the OFBF, four

31 08, 2016

2016 Season’s Harvest Success!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the 2016 Season's Harvest Dinner on August 18th! The dinner and fundraising event was a huge success, raising money for Feeding Medina County. The event was hosted by Creek Bend Ranch, in Burbank, Ohio. This year's event consisted of a live and

16 08, 2016

2016 Medina County Fair Ag Tent

The 2016 Agriculture Tent sponsored by the Medina County Farm Bureau, Farm Credit Services and the Medina County Agricultural Society was part of the family entertainment area located at the south end of the fairgrounds near the Community Center. This year’s hands-on activities included a mechanical cow, steer roping, a corn box, sheep, a baby

19 07, 2016

Medina Young Farmers Help Restore Fair Milk Shake Barn

Medina County Farm Bureau received the old 4-H milk shake booth from the Medina County Fair. Over the weekend, the Medina County Young Farmers group met together at the fair to scrape and paint the barn to restore it for use. The Medina County Farm Bureau plans to use the barn in their exhibit area

21 04, 2016

2016 Policy Development Meeting

On April 15, 2016, the Medina County Farm Bureau hosted it's annual Policy Development Meeting with local officials and professionals at the Medina County Administration Building. Thank you to local officials and professionals who attended: Judge Chris Collier Kimberly Corrigan, Leadership Medina County Jim Dieter, Department of Soil & Water Morgan Domokos, OSU Extension John Gladden, Medina

1 04, 2016

Medina County Farm Bureau Donates Grain Bin Rescue Tubes

Article posted on Medina County Gazette, by Elizabeth Dobbins. "The Medina County Farm Bureau donated two grain bin rescue tubes to local emergency response agencies Friday. The large metal tubes can be placed around a person stuck in the grain. The tube forms a dam to prevent grain from sifting against the person and an

23 03, 2016

2016 Scholarship Winners Announced

The Board of Trustees of Medina County Farm Bureau is pleased to announce the winners of the 2016 scholarships annually provided by the Farm Bureau members. Deserving students who are either high school seniors preparing to pursue either college or technical education or students currently pursuing post high school studies are recommended by a committee